Lindt Brand Product Extension - Turning Dreams into Reality.
Growth strategies are important because they keep your company working towards goals that go beyond what's happening in the market today. They keep both leaders and employees focused and aligned, and they compel you to think long-term. It is startling as to how many people have the best ideas yet don’t know how to get them heard. When thinking about extraordinary, classy and quality chocolate. The brand that pops up in mind for majority of the population is Lindt. I have previously written a blog around the Lindt brand itself and from previous research it is well known how top of the range the brand is. Imagine Lindt stores adding desserts like cakes and biscuits to the brand's range of products offered. This would be a brand growth strategy, whereby they would leverage their existing good name and positive associations. Their brand is also visually appealing, and invokes feelings relaxation, a deserving and meaningful treat. Most of us are aware that Lindt pr...